A hill I’d gladly die on…

… is the hill where every family can show up - in life and at their family photo session - as they truly are, as their authentic selves, where they’ll be remembered as the people they were, where there’s no fake smiles, where there’s no need to have it all together, where there’s no pressure to be perform or conforming, where nobody needs to be perfect.

Can we please stop placing this ridiculous pressure on ourselves that everything needs to look and feel like a highlight reel? Just because there’s laundry on the floor or the kitchen table, doesn’t mean that we haven’t got our shit together. Life is busy, life is chaotic, life is fun, life is hard, life is stepping on lego, life is lots of hugs and holding hands and too many artworks coming home from kinder. Life is a smorgasbord of little stories and not one of them is perfect. But if you put them all together they are divine - because they’re uniquely yours! And they deserve to be remember and cherished!

A candid family portrait of mum and dad laughing while their kids in halloween costumes dance to the Ghostbusters theme song.

Do you sometimes look back at your old childhood photos and are immediately transported to the places where you grew up? The walls of your childhood bedroom (including the posters of your favourite boyband or movie star), your favourite (but long-forgotten) stuffies and that dinner table where you had so many meals, and fights, with your parents and siblings?

These photographs are our proof - that life wasn’t always easy or perfect, that we often got lost in the marathon of the everyday, but in the end, those little ordinary moments are what mattered most.


Photographs - magic windows to the past


A smorgasbord of little stories